Guanqi He

Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute, Master of Science in Robotics.


I am a first year master student in Robotics Institution at Carnegie Mellon University. I am currently working in LeCAR Lab and Air Lab, co-advised by Prof. Guanya Shi and Prof. Sebastian Scherer. Previously I worked with Prof. Yang Wang at MAgIC Lab at ShanghaiTech University.

My work focuses on adaptive and agile locomotion of aerial and legged robots. I aim to enpower robotic systems to dynamically adapt environment changes in real-time and learn continuously in real-world scenarios, utilizing methodologies from both the learning and control communities.


  1. icra2024workshop.png
    Flying Calligrapher: A System for Aerial Writing
    Xiaofeng Guo*, Guanqi He*, Junyi Geng, Sebastian Scherer, and Guanya Shi
    ICRA Workshop: Unconventional Robots: Universal Lessons for Designing Unique Systems, 2024
  2. abs-gif-preview-long.gif
    Agile But Safe: Learning Collision-Free High-Speed Legged Locomotion
    Tairan He*, Chong Zhang*, Wenli Xiao, Guanqi He, Changliu Liu, and Guanya Shi
    RSS, 2024
  3. covo.gif
    CoVO-MPC: Theoretical Analysis of Sampling-based MPC and Optimal Covariance Design
    Zeji Yi*, Chaoyi Pan*, Guanqi He, Guannan Qu, and Guanya Shi
    L4DC, 2024
  4. ICRA2024.png
    Aerial Interaction with Tactile Sensing
    Xiaofeng Guo, Guanqi He, Mohammadreza Mousaei, Junyi Geng, Guanya Shi, and Sebastian Scherer
    ICRA, 2024
  5. IROS2023.PNG
    Image-based visual servo control for aerial manipulation using a fully-actuated uav
    Guanqi He*, Yash Jangir*, Junyi Geng, Mohammadreza Mousaei, Dongwei Bai, and Sebastian Scherer
    In IROS , 2023
  6. acc2022.gif
    Switching-based Adaptive Output Regulation for Uncertain Systems Affected by a Periodic Disturbance
    Guanqi He, Yang Wang, Gilberto Pin, Andrea Serrani, and Thomas Parisini
    In ACC , 2022